Unravel the complexities of hearing and balance symptoms

Having trouble hearing?

The hearing system is a complex mechanism that allows us to perceive and interpret sounds. The outer, middle, and inner ear all work together to capture and transmit sound waves to our brains for processing. When hearing loss occurs, it disrupts this delicate process, leading to significant impact on our daily lives.

If you can’t understand people talking, are having trouble following instructions, or have ringing in your ears, enjoying everyday activities can become challenging. It can be frustrating, and isolating, and create communication difficulties that ripple into personal relationships and work performance. Even seemingly simple tasks like talking on the phone, watching TV, or participating in social gatherings can become challenging.

Booking a hearing test and seeking appropriate intervention can make a world of difference. It's not just about hearing better; it's about reclaiming your quality of life. By addressing hearing loss, individuals can reconnect with the world around them, engage fully in their daily activities, and experience the joys of sound once again.

Feeling off balance?

The vestibular system plays a vital role in maintaining our balance and spatial orientation. It's a team effort involving the inner ear, eyes, and proprioception (the sense of body position). Together, they provide us with a sense of equilibrium.

Inside the inner ear, our semicircular canals are responsible for detecting rotational movements, while the otolith organs are in charge of sensing linear movements. These signals travel through the vestibular nerve to the brainstem and cerebellum for processing. Along with visual input and proprioceptive feedback, our brain ensures our body stays stable and adjusts our movements accordingly.

If there's a disruption or dysfunction in any of these systems, it can result in dizziness, vertigo, nausea, head fog, or a spinning sensation. If you're experiencing any of these symptoms, we highly recommend scheduling a comprehensive assessment with our specialized audiologist. We have expertise in evaluating the vestibular system and identifying the underlying cause of the issue. From there, we develop a suitable treatment plan to work toward restoring your balance and enhancing your quality of life.

Book an appointment with our registered audiologist